What do Adventists believe?
Seventh-day Adventists are Protestant Christians who believe:
- There is one God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit, a unity of three persons who are all eternal, created the universe and who love us immeasurably. Read more
- God the Father is the source of all love and life. He sent His Son to save us and to show us what He is like. Read more
- Jesus Christ is God the Son who came to the earth as our redeemer and advocate. After living on earth and dying on a cross for our sins he returned to heaven. He will come to earth again to take us to heaven. Read more
- God the Holy Spirit touches our hearts and, if we are willing, transforms us to be more and more like the image of God in which we were created. Read more
- The Holy Bible (Old and New Testaments) reveals God's role in human history, His love for us, our place in His plan. It is the infallible source of truth to guide us and teach us of salvation. Read more
- God created the universe and our world. The seventh day Sabbath is a day of rest that commemorates God's resting at the end of creation week. Read more
- The world God created was perfect. But He also gave humanity the freedom of choice. Adam and Eve sinned when they chose to believe Satan's lies that God is not trustworthy or fair. Read more
- The plan to redeem everyone who chooses to trust God was in place even before Adam and Eve sinned. God sent Jesus, His Son, to live the perfect life we could not and die the death our sins deserve. When we accept Jesus' sacrifice, we claim eternal life. Read more
- The Holy Spirit impresses us with our need of salvation and after our acceptance of Christ's sacrifice empowers us to live unselfish lives of love and service to the people around us. Read more
- After Jesus' death on the cross He was bodily raised and returned to heaven where He is preparing a place for everyone who accepts His sacrifice for their sins. He has promised to return and take all who love Him back to heaven––both the living and those He has raised from the dead. Read more
Growing spiritually
We exist to help students grow in their love for Jesus. While spiritual growth can’t be measured and quantified with numbers, we do see it happening every day. It starts with our commitment to making Christ the center of all we do––not just the subject of a single Bible class. And it continues through our focus on the Bible as the sole guide for our beliefs and behavior as Protestant Christians. We invite you to visit our campus and experience how our teachers and staff model their love for God and nurture it in our students.
Growing academically
Our goal is to develop Christians with wisdom, not just knowledge. So we’ve structured our academic program to put God first and we find that, like Adventist schools of all sizes across the country, this results in students who grow academically at a higher rate than their peers in other schools (see the next paragraph). It really is true that when we “seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, all these things will be added to you.” (Matthew 6:33) To learn more about the specific results of our school, schedule an Education Success Consult with our principal.
Students in Adventist schools outperform. In a three-year study of 51,000+ students in Adventist schools (kindergarten through high school), researchers documented that they outperformed the national average. At all grade levels. In schools of all sizes. And in all subjects.
Students in Adventist schools overachieve. Additionally, researchers compared student performance on standardized tests with what would be predicted based on their Cognitive Abilities Test scores, and found they performed above what would be predicted.
Students in Adventist schools gain even more with time. One of the most dramatic findings is that students who transferred to Adventist schools saw a marked improvement in test scores. Furthermore, the longer students are in Adventist schools, the better their achievements and abilities.
Growing physically
Making healthy choices is a way of honoring our bodies as the temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 6:19). And plenty of research documents the importance of healthy bodies in developing healthy brains. So we include learning about taking care of our bodies with daily exercise, good sleep, healthy eating, and more. To see how we integrate wise lifestyle choices into our curricula, come visit our campus.
Growing socially
Loving and serving others is part of God’s plan for each of us and something we practice daily. As we interact with each other here at school and as we practice service in our community, we are guided by Paul’s words, “Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.” (Ephesians 4:2) While we are not perfect, we are constantly aiming to be more Christ-like with each other and to serve our community. Come see how this influences our students with a visit to our campus.